One of the most common questions people ask about their Venus Fly Trap is whether or not they should feed them. Most people think that it’s a good idea, but too much food can cause problems for your plant. In this article, we will discuss how often you should feed your Venus Fly Trap and…
Venus Fly Traps are one of the most interesting plants, and it is also one of the easiest to grow. One question that many people have about these plants is do they close at night? The answer to this question is no! There is always a reason behind why the venus flytrap closes its trap,…
If you are looking for pitcher plants, then it is important to know that they need to be fed. This is true for all pitcher plants. The frequency of feeding for a carnivorous plant will depend on the type of plant and where you live versus the natural habitat. Understanding how often you need to…
The carnivorous pitcher plants have been around for a long time, and they are found all over the world. They come from different families of plants, but what is interesting about them is that they feed on insects! In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common pitcher plant species and learn…