Category: Venus Flytraps

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a carnivorous plant native to subtropical wetlands on the East Coast of the United States in North Carolina and South Carolina.

  • Watering a Venus Fly Trap: How to Perform This Vital Need

    Watering a Venus Fly Trap: How to Perform This Vital Need

    The Venus flytrap is a beautiful plant that grows in a variety of climates. While it does not require water, it does need to be exposed to sunlight to continue photosynthesizing. You can keep it indoors under artificial light, but it is best to leave it outdoors unprotected in warm climates. How Often Does a…

  • 4 Signs of Healthy Venus Fly Traps & How To Ensure Health

    4 Signs of Healthy Venus Fly Traps & How To Ensure Health

    Are you a proud owner of a Venus flytrap? Are you looking for ways to ensure your plant is healthy and happy? If so, then this blog post is for you! Here, we’ll provide information on the signs of a healthy Venus flytrap, from the color of its leaves to the size of its traps.…

  • How to Care for a Venus Fly Trap: A Complete Carnivore Guide

    How to Care for a Venus Fly Trap: A Complete Carnivore Guide

    Venus flytraps are known for their notorious carnivorous nature, which is rare in plants. As such, a famous naturalist and biologist, Charles Darwin, described venus fly traps as “one of the most wonderful in the world.” They are indeed fascinating plants with unusual requirements. However, few who have seen the plant entice insects to its…

  • How Frequently Do You Feed Your Venus Fly Trap?

    How Frequently Do You Feed Your Venus Fly Trap?

    One of the most common questions people ask about their Venus Fly Trap is whether or not they should feed them. Most people think that it’s a good idea, but too much food can cause problems for your plant. In this article, we will discuss how often you should feed your Venus Fly Trap and…

  • Venus Fly Traps: Do They Close At Night?

    Venus Fly Traps: Do They Close At Night?

    Venus Fly Traps are one of the most interesting plants, and it is also one of the easiest to grow. One question that many people have about these plants is do they close at night? The answer to this question is no! There is always a reason behind why the venus flytrap closes its trap,…