How To Grow Venus Fly Trap From Seeds to Seedling?

There are many plants that we like to keep around our houses for either function or just for beauty, however, none are as useful as the carnivorous plants. These little devils are always going out of their way to eat some kind of bug, which makes them great for fly control. None of the carnivorous…

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There are many plants that we like to keep around our houses for either function or just for beauty, however, none are as useful as the carnivorous plants. These little devils are always going out of their way to eat some kind of bug, which makes them great for fly control. None of the carnivorous plants are as well known as the Venus Fly Trap. 

To grow a Venus Fly Trap from seeds you need rainwater, sterile soils, seeds, and a high humidity environment. Many growers like to keep their newly sown Venus Fly Traps in either a greenhouse, terrarium, small container, or in ziplock plastic bags. 

These are the basics of what you need to know for growing a new batch of Venus Fly Traps, waiting for the seeds to germinate, taking care of the new seedlings, and knowing where to even get everything to start.

Taking care of the Venus Fly Traps as they start growing is also important.  Here’s how to grow Venus Fly Traps from seeds!

How Long Does a Venus Fly Trap Take to Grow From Seeds?

Venus Fly Traps are plants that have long lives, sometimes taking years to reach full maturity. However, they will quickly start growing to eat fly’s and other bugs, however, with seeds the start can be a lot different. 

For seeds to start germinating can take anything from one week to five weeks, depending on how fresh the seeds are and how humid the environment is. Once the seeds have started to germinate the process will start to differ slightly.

It will take 2 to 4 years for the Venus Fly Traps to be fully mature from seeds, with proper care they should reach up to 3 to 6 inches tall and 5 inches in diameter.

This means that you Venus Fly Traps will be nice and grown when they start outgrowing the first small pots that you have them placed in. 

How Often Do You Water Venus Fly Trap Seeds?

While most plants require daily attention mature Venus Fly Traps are a lot less needy in some sense. These plants are knowing to grow in very humid areas, which means as long as the environment for them is perfectly controlled and humid. 

If you have them in the right environment you will only need to water them 2 to 3 times a month. The general rule for Venus Fly Trap water is that it needs to be moist, but not wet, which means you always need to ensure the soil for the Venus Fly Trap is perfect. 

However, depending on where you are located it will affect the amount of water that you need to add. Dryer environments will require that you provide more water while humid areas will only require minimal care.

What Soil Do You Use For Venus Fly Traps?

Despite what many people think, the soil for Venus Fly Traps is not at all the usual kind you would use for other plants. When growing from seeds you will need to use pure peat moss to have the seeds germinate in them. 

This is because the plants are extremely sensitive to the soil they are grown in and the chances are that your home soil will not be at all perfect for a Venus Fly Trap to grow strong and healthy.

Can You Grow a Venus Fly Trap Indoors?

Many people like to have some type of plant in their home, either providing nice smells or just being something nice to look at. However, Venus Fly Traps are perfect because they the perfect killer of fly’s and other irritating bugs. 

Which raises the question of whether or not you can keep them indoors, you can keep Venus Fly Traps indoors if they receive enough sun and are kept humid. Many offices around the world are graced with small Venus Fly Traps that are kept on people’s desks. 

As your plant continues to grow you can easily trim them and take care of them. However, because they are sensitive and require more care you cannot leave them for long periods unattended.

Sometimes even requiring that food be bought for the fly trap if they are being kept in entirely closed-off environments.

Where Can You Get Seeds for a Venus Fly Trap?

Now that you know how to take care of your seedlings you may be wondering where you can get everything that you need, including the seeds themselves.

There are three ways of getting Venus Fly Trap seeds, each one being able to promise better results. 


If you already own several Venus Fly Traps you may be able to go through the process of harvesting seeds from the flowers that can bloom from the plants.

However, you will have to wait until the perfect moment, when the flower has transformed into small bulbs that go brown. 

Once the bulbs have dried out, you can remove them to harvest the seeds. However, because Venus Fly Trap is so small, its seeds are just as small.

You would also have to ensure that the flowers are pollinated, either by letting nature take its course with bees or by manually doing it.

You will know the flowers have been pollinated when the flowers turn into small sunflower looking bulbs that have turn jet black I the middle. 

Local Nursery

The most promising way of getting Venus Fly Trap seeds is by going to your local nursery. Not all of them will be able to help you but most modern nurseries will have either several Venus Fly Traps that you can buy to later then pollinate or have bags that you can purchase with seeds in them already. 

Having fresher seeds is vital as the Venus Fly Trap seeds can be damaged if they’re not stored properly and can actually cause damage to the eventual plant. A good rule of thumb is to keep the seeds refrigerated while you aren’t using them, letting them reach room temperature before you sow them.


The easiest but riskiest way of getting seeds is through the online world, both Amazon and Ebay have listings for Venus Fly Trap seeds that can be bought. However, these rarely turn out well and many purchases have reported that the seeds that they have bought were unable to ever grow. 

If you have an already trusted source for seeds and plant online it is highly recommended that you use them to procure your seeds. Just be sure that the seeds you are getting are rather fresh and have been stored properly. 

Once you have a trusted location where you can get seeds it may be better to just stick with them and order something safer, like normal flower seeds, before investing in the much more expensive Venus Fly Trap seeds.

Final Thoughts on How To Grow Venus Fly Trap From Seeds

There are many ways of growing plants around the world, and Venus Fly Traps requires that you really already know how to do most of them.

Loving moist and humid environments these small little plants have caused headaches for many plant lowers around the world but getting the right soil and humid levels will bring you months of joy as you watch them slowly grow up.

Now go out there and make the soil moist and ready for your soon to be baby Venus Fly Traps! They germinate almost immediately with traps, so be sure to use a magnifying glass to check up on them.





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