When you start growing your favorite carnivorous plant, or maybe just the one you know the most about, the Venus Fly Trap you will wonder where you should keep it. Many people want to ensure their plants are safe and can grow to their full potential, eventually wondering if keeping your Venus Fly Trap outside.…
Venus Flytraps are perhaps the best known species of carnivorous plant, but media portrayals of them can be misleading. After doing my research on the subject, I found there’s a lot more to consider about proper Flytrap care than what you feed it. How long can a Venus Flytrap (VFT) survive without food? The answer…
From Sundew to Venus flytrap, all carnivorous plants feed on insects. But you must be wondering “Can a Venus fly trap survive without bugs?”. Of course, you are. Or not why would you be here? Despite being carnivorous, Venus flytraps can actually go on for a long time about two-three months without eating insects. Especially…
There are many carnivorous plants out there, most coming from dense forest areas where their food would be plentiful. Knowing how each plant works and what they need to eat is vital to keeping them healthy, as such you may be wondering how exactly you keep your Venus Fly Trap fed with the right food.…
Venus Fly Trap is one of the most popular carnivore plants that is a must if you’re looking forward to making a carnivore garden. Venus Fly Traps require a unique sort of soil mixture and without it growing them can be pretty difficult. Now, you must be curious about what soil does Venus Fly Trap…
There are many plants that we like to keep around our houses for either function or just for beauty, however, none are as useful as the carnivorous plants. These little devils are always going out of their way to eat some kind of bug, which makes them great for fly control. None of the carnivorous…
Venus Fly Traps are probably the most exotic type of plants out there for their unique characteristics and a primarily carnivorous diet. Having a Venus Fly Trap is as exciting as it can be. They are fun to feed and look after. Their exceptional looks and creepy environment make them the very exotic type of…
Caring for these wondrously alien plants can be tricky, especially if you’ve never owned one before. There’s a lot of specialized care you’ll need to give them, including being conscious of one thing: What nutrients do carnivorous plants get from insects? They mostly get nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus which help them to grow larger…
Carnivorous meat-eating plants are some of the most beautiful, interesting and even entertaining house plants to keep around. Whether you’re a collector of plants, or just want to give your room a little extra life, adding a carnivorous plant is a fun and interesting way to do that. However, there is the trouble that carnivorous…